Snow depth in high-resolution regional climate model simulations over southern Germany – suitable for extremes and impact-related research?

  • Snow dynamics play a critical role in the climate system, as they affect the water cycle, ecosystems, and society. In climate modelling, the representation of the amount and extent of snow on the land surface is crucial for simulating the mass and energy balance of the climate system. Here, we evaluate simulations of daily snow depths against 83 station observations in southern Germany in an elevation range of 150 to 1000 m over the time period 1987–2018. Two simulations stem from high-resolution regional climate models – the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model at 1.5 km resolution and the COnsortium for Small scale MOdelling model in CLimate Mode (COSMO-CLM; abbreviated to CCLM hereafter) at 3 km resolution. Additionally, the hydrometeorological snow model Alpine MUltiscale Numerical Distributed Simulation ENgine (AMUNDSEN) is run at point scale at the locations of the climate stations, based on the atmospheric output of CCLM. To complement the comparison, the ERA5-Land dataset (9 km), a state-of-the-art reanalysis land-surface product, is also compared. All four simulations are driven by the atmospheric boundary conditions of ERA5. Due to an overestimation of the snow albedo, the WRF simulation features a cold bias of 1.2 °C, leading to the slight overestimation of the snow depth in low-lying areas, whereas the snow depth is underestimated at snow-rich stations. The number of snow days (days with a snow depth above 1 cm) is reproduced well. The WRF simulation can recreate extreme snow depths, i.e. annual maxima of the snow depth, their timings, and inter-station differences, and thereby shows the best performance of all models. The CCLM reproduces the climatic conditions with very low bias and error metrics. However, all snow-related assessments show a strong systematic underestimation, which we relate to deficiencies in the snow module of the land-surface model. When driving AMUNDSEN with the atmospheric output of the CCLM, the results show a slight tendency to overestimate snow depth and number of snow days, especially in the northern parts of the study area. Snow depth extremes are reproduced well. For ERA5-Land (ERA5L), the coarser spatial resolution leads to larger differences between the model elevation and the station elevation, which contributes to a significant correlation of climatic biases with the elevation bias. In addition, the mean snow depth and number of snow days are strongly overestimated, with conditions that are too snowy in the late winter. Extreme snow depth conditions are reproduced well in the low-lying areas, whereas strong deviations occur with more complex topography. In sum, due to the high spatial resolution of convection-permitting climate models, they show the potential to reproduce the winter climate (temperature and precipitation) in southern Germany. However, different sources of uncertainties, i.e. the spatial resolution, the snow albedo parametrisation, and other parametrisations within the snow model, prevent their further use in a straightforward manner for impact research. Hence, careful evaluation is needed before any impact-related interpretation of the simulations, such as in the context of climate change research.
  • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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