Financial markets and the transition to a low-carbon economy:challenging the dominant logics

  • climate change
  • financial markets
  • low-carbon economy
  • theory of change
  • Financial markets play a major role in contributing to the transition to a low-carbon economy. Although many initiatives and developments are taking place, this is just the beginning. In this article, we argue for a theory of change—a theory rooted in logics that will help financial markets play a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. We argue that the current dominant logics in finance—short-termism, predictability of the future based on ex-post data, price efficiency, and risk-adjusted returns—impede the effective integration of climate considerations in financial markets. We suggest four alternative logics that can enable and foster a change toward the low-carbon economy: long-termism, systems interconnectedness, carbon price dynamics, and active ownership.
  • Financial markets play a major role in contributing to the transition to a low-carbon economy. Although many initiatives and developments are taking place, this is just the beginning. In this article, we argue for a theory of change—a theory rooted in logics that will help financial markets play a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. We argue that the current dominant logics in finance—short-termism, predictability of the future based on ex-post data, price efficiency, and risk-adjusted returns—impede the effective integration of climate considerations in financial markets. We suggest four alternative logics that can enable and foster a change toward the low-carbon economy: long-termism, systems interconnectedness, carbon price dynamics, and active ownership.
  • info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
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