How to survive your PhD:Essays from KlimaCampus graduate students

Beteiligte Personen:
  • Baehr, Johanna
  • Kreis, Ute
Univ. of Hamburg, Klima Campus
  • The handbook you are holding has been written for you. 11 PhD students and 3 MSc students wrote about their own grad school experience thus far. They put them-selves in your shoes, the shoes of someone starting out on the PhD endeavor. So, what you find here is not an all-embracing manual written by someone with 20+ years experience1. But, what you will find here are essays written by students who still vividly remember what it was like when everything was new, the amount of information just overwhelming, and writing – let alone publishing – a scientific article seemed a big myth. The essays presented here are based on a semester-long ‘research-skills’ course. At the outset, the topics of interest to the students were chosen by popular vote. Throughout the semester, these topics were discussed one-by-one in separate lec-tures. Now, 14 students put their own perspective on these topics into writing – ba-sed to a varying degree on their personal experience, the research-skills course, and their discussions with other people etc. The essays also benefited from a writing workshop co-taught with Dallas Murphy2(writer from NYC, USA). While the workshop was at its core directed at scientific wri-ting, we took the essays as a starting point to discuss the process of writing. In summary, the authors wrote down the pieces of advice that – in retrospect – they would have found useful when starting out with their graduate studies a year or two ago. You may therefore enjoy reading the handbook from cover to cover, but we also hope that you might find it useful to come back to the appropriate essay when you later find yourself faced directly with one of the topics discussed.
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