C-reactive protein in spinal surgery: more predictive than prehistoric

  • PURPOSE: In spinal surgery, surgical site infections (SSI) after dorsal spondylodesis lead to severe short- and long-term complications. Despite various clinical and serological evidence, the detection of a postoperative SSI remains crucial. In this retrospective cohort study, we determined the prognostic value of C-reactive protein (CRP) kinetics after open reduction and dorsal spondylodesis in the development of a SSI.

    METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 192 patients from 2016 to 2018 undergoing open reduction and dorsal spondylodesis with and without SSI for 20 days at a level-I trauma center and assessed their serological and clinical characteristics.

    RESULTS: On day 7 and 8 after surgery, patients who developed a SSI displayed significantly higher CRP levels. A second peak after the initial maximum of CRP and a restricted failure to decline as well as a maximum CRP of more than 225 mg/l predict an infectious complication with a sensitivity of 92.9%, and a specificity of 78.2%. A binary logistic regression leads to 85.7% and 69.7%, respectively. A one-phase decay exponential regression can predict 75.6% of the variance after the initial peak of CRP.

    CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates a high value of postoperative CRP kinetics in SSI detection after dorsal spondylodesis. Moreover, we observed typical CRP levels with a specific course as indicative predictors that may facilitate an early SSI detection in clinical practice.

  • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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