Micropolitics, gender and emotional labor in coaching

Beteiligte Personen:
  • Greif, Siegfried
  • Möller, Heidi
  • Scholl, Wolfgang
  • Passmore, Jonathan
  • Müller, Felix
  • No career without organizational politics—this has been confirmed in many studies. However, despite a plethora of guidebooks, the impact of micropolitical competence has so far hardly been studied in a gender-specific way. This also applies to the political handling of emotions. Through emotion regulation competence, women in leadership positions are not only better able to manage contradictory expectations, but also to change them. In a male-dominated culture, female managers are under particular pressure of expectations with regard to traditional stereotypical ideas of femininity. The resulting contradictions often lead to uncertainty about their own “ideal behavior.” Our thesis is, that different rules to display with feelings apply to men and women. These rules can only complied with or changed by powerful, political action. Therfore, female managers and junior managers need self-reflexivity and a particularly good emotion regulation competence. We assume that this emotion and affect management must be shaped politically. We have thus developed a coaching concept to promote the strategic handling of emotions.
  • No career without organizational politics—this has been confirmed in many studies. However, despite a plethora of guidebooks, the impact of micropolitical competence has so far hardly been studied in a gender-specific way. This also applies to the political handling of emotions. Through emotion regulation competence, women in leadership positions are not only better able to manage contradictory expectations, but also to change them. In a male-dominated culture, female managers are under particular pressure of expectations with regard to traditional stereotypical ideas of femininity. The resulting contradictions often lead to uncertainty about their own “ideal behavior.” Our thesis is, that different rules to display with feelings apply to men and women. These rules can only complied with or changed by powerful, political action. Therfore, female managers and junior managers need self-reflexivity and a particularly good emotion regulation competence. We assume that this emotion and affect management must be shaped politically. We have thus developed a coaching concept to promote the strategic handling of emotions.
  • info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
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