Antibacterial properties of functionalized silk fibroin and sericin membranes for wound healing applications in oral and maxillofacial surgery

  • Oral wounds are among the most troublesome injuries which easily affect the patients' quality of life. To date, the development of functional antibacterial dressings for oral wound healing remains a challenge. In this regard, we investigated antibacterial silk protein-based membranes for the application as wound dressings in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The present study includes five variants of casted membranes, i.e., i) membranes-silver nanoparticles (CM-Ag), ii) membranes-gentamicin (CM-G), iii) membranes-control (without functionalization) (CM-C), iv) membranes-silk sericin control (CM-SSC), and v) membranes-silk fibroin/silk sericin (CM-SF/SS), and three variants of nonwovens, i.e., i) silver nanoparticles (NW-Ag), ii) gentamicin (NW-G), iii) control (without functionalization) (NW-C). The surface structure of the samples was visualized with scanning electron microscopy. In addition, antibacterial testing was accomplished using agar diffusion assay, colony forming unit (CFU) analysis, and qrt-PCR. Following antibacterial assays, biocompatibility was evaluated by cell proliferation assay (XTT), cytotoxicity assay (LDH), and live-dead assay on L929 mouse fibroblasts. Findings indicated significantly lower bacterial colony growth and DNA counts for CM-Ag with a reduction of bacterial counts by 3log levels (99.9% reduction) in CFU and qrt-PCR assay compared to untreated control membranes (CM-C and CM-SSC) and membranes functionalized with gentamicin (CM-G and NW-G) (p < 0.001). Similarly, NW-G yielded significantly lower DNA and colony growth counts compared to NW-Ag and NW-C (p < 0.001). In conclusion, CM-Ag represented 1log level better antibacterial activity compared to NW-G, whereas NW-G showed better cytocompatibility for L929 cells. As data suggest, these two membranes have the potential of application in the field of bacteria-free oral wound healing. However, provided that loading strategy and cytocompatibility are adjusted according to the antibacterial agents' characteristic and fabrication technique of the membranes.

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