The paraplegic patient-Characteristics of diagnostics and treatment in visceral surgery,Der querschnittgelähmte Patient – Besonderheiten der viszeralchirurgischen Diagnostik und Therapie

  • Patienten mit einer Querschnittlähmung entwickeln syndromspezifische, viszeralchirurgisch relevante Krankheitsbilder, die im Rahmen des akuten spinalen Schocks auftreten können oder Folge der zumeist progredienten neurogenen Darmfunktionsstörung (NBD) mit Ausbildung eines Colon elongatum und/oder Megakolons sind. Auch die akuten abdominalchirurgischen Notfälle, wie akute Appendizitis, Cholezystitis, Divertikultis oder Ileusbilder, stellen den Kliniker bei untypischer oder teils fehlender Klinik vor diagnostische und therapeutische Herausforderungen. Einen zunehmenden Stellenwert nimmt die Ausweitung adipositaschirurgischer Indikationen auf Patienten mit einer Querschnittlähmung ein
  • BACKGROUND: Patients with paraplegia develop syndrome-specific complications relevant to visceral surgery, which occur in the context of the acute spinal shock or as a consequence of the progressive neurogenic bowel dysfunction (NBD) with the formation of an elongated colon and/or megacolon. Moreover, acute abdominal emergencies, such as acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis and ileus images, pose particular challenges for the clinician when the clinical signs are atypical or even absent. The expansion of indications for obesity surgery to include patients with a paraplegic syndrome, whose independence and quality of life can be impaired due to the restricted mobility, especially by obesity, is becoming increasingly more important.

    OBJECTIVE: This article provides an overview of the special requirements and aspects in the treatment of this special patient collective and to show the evidence of paraplegia-specific visceral surgery treatment.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Targeted literature search in Medline and Cochrane library (German and English, 1985-2020).

    RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The clinical treatment of paraplegic patients requires in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiological changes at the different height of the paraplegia (upper versus lower motor neuron) and the phase of the disease (spinal shock versus long-term course). Missing or atypical clinical symptoms of acute diseases delay a quick diagnosis and make early diagnosis essential. The evidence for surgical treatment of the acute and chronic consequences of NBD is based on small retrospective series and case reports, as is that for special indications such as obesity surgery.

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